Protect brand names or slogans (e.g., “Nike”).
Protect visual designs that represent a brand (e.g., the Apple logo).
Protect a mix of words and designs (e.g., Pepsi’s logo with the brand name).
Include sounds (e.g., the MGM lion roar) or colors (e.g., Tiffany blue).
• Protect Your Brand: Prevents others from using similar names or designs.
• Build Consumer Trust: Helps customers identify the source of products or services.
• Create Business Value: Trademarks are valuable assets that can be licensed or sold.
Confirms no one else is using a similar mark.
Reduces the risk of legal disputes.
Step 2: Submit Essential Documents
• Description of the Trademark: Include details like word, logo, or slogan.
• Proof of Use: Documentation showing your trademark is already in use, if applicable.
• Trademark Class: Clearly define the class(es) your trademark will cover.
• File your trademark application locally with our assistance.
• For University-Owned Trademarks: The Enterprise arranges payments for filing, searches, and publication through the university.
• For Non-University Trademarks: The Enterprise provides guidance, while the individual, team, or company covers all associated costs.
Ensuring your mark is unique.
Preparing and submitting applications.
+94 112640051 Ext: 1886