9922 Edward Avenue, Bethesda, MD, USA 20814
Email: jfraser@burnsidedev.com See Linked-In profile.
Cell: (850) 524-5795
Understanding Technology Today, Building Business for Tomorrow
Self-employed consultant offering unique knowledge and understanding of, as well as extensive
experience with, the interaction of business/government, university/government and
university/business partnerships. Proven strategies for the commercialization of new technology
based innovations.
President, Burnside Development & Associates LLC – Consultant- part time since 1991. Full time
since 2015. Burnside is a personal consulting company assisting in all aspects of the creation of
technology-based businesses. Emphasis on Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Commercialization.
The Innovation Fund of Serbia. Lead Transaction Specialist in a EU financed, World Bank
managed program to accelerate academic technology transfer in Serbia’s four largest public
universities. 2015 ongoing.
The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO). Member of teaching team for
academic technology transfer in seven S.E. Asia countries: Philippines, Malaysia, Thailand,
Indonesia, Iran, Mongolia, Vietnam. Previously, served as Expert lecturer 6 times in their science
and technology-licensing course offered to member countries. 2017 – ongoing.
Member of the International Advisory Board, International Technology Transfer Network,
Beijing, China. Advise organization on strategies to increase flow of innovative academic
business opportunities. 2015 – ongoing.
Entrepreneur-in-Residence, National Institute for Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg,
MD. Provide entrepreneurial advice to employees. 2016 – ongoing.
AUTM Expert in Government of Chile/AUTM contract to assist 15 universities accelerate
technology licensing. Created 3 Strategic and Operating Plans and Benchmarking Reports. 2012-
Expert Witness in legal suit: Max Planck, Alnylam Inc. (Plaintiffs) vs. MIT, Whitehead Institute,
University of Massachusetts (Defendants). Settled March 2011. Later legal suit of original Parties
vs. University of Utah. – same subject matter. Settled 2015.
Assistant Vice President Research & Economic Development and Executive Director, Office of
Commercialization, Florida State University, Tallahassee, Florida [2014 –1996]
Managed a team to create partnerships with outside organizations to build-up the research
base, and develop products and knowledge for the benefit of society. Increased disclosures,
licenses, royalties and R&D income. Over 200 licenses, incl. 40 spinoffs. Office gross revenues
consistently larger than current expenses. Increased faculty awareness and participation in
commercialization via regular outreach activities, external speakers, internal ‘Proof of Concept’
funding. Proactively work with faculty to identify funding sources; prepare applications and
ensure compliance with FSU policies; negotiate terms and conditions of awards, monitor progress,
ensure adherence to funding terms.
Major activities with Film School; School of Visual Arts, Theater & Dance; Business; Social
Work i.e. non STEM.
President, CEO, Board Director, University Technologies International, Inc. Calgary,
Alberta [1991 –1989] A for-profit technology transfer company serving the University of Calgary
and the Foothills Hospital. Responsible for strategic direction of the company, liaising with the
Board, implementing/monitoring plans, supervising personnel. Implemented programs to seek new
institutional clients on province-wide basis and to assist clients in creating new technology based
companies. 1990/91 gross revenues of $1 Million. Closed $800,000 deal with Bristol MyersSquibb. Closed medical device deal with then current royalties of $500,000/yr.
Independent Consultant, Durham, North Carolina [1989 –1988] Agency for International
Development (AID), Washington, D.C. On an evaluation team reviewing mid-term progress of
a $4.5 million program of PATH, a Seattle based foundation transferring health care technology
to Third World health agencies. Positive review led to a new $13.5 million grant. Research
Development Corporation (RDC), Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto. Recommended a new
business strategy for the ‘robotics’ division of Cyberfluor Corporation, an RDC created company.
Executive Vice President, University Technology Corporation, Durham, North Carolina [1989 –
1986]. Cofounder. Launched as a for profit company serving as exclusive licensing agent for 5
universities. Created the business plan and raised $3.5 million private sector funds. Responsible
for the overall operations of the company including budget preparation, daily operations and
long term planning. Responsible for hiring and managing in-house staff as well as the on campus
Technology Liaison Officers (TLOs) at the University of Maryland and the University of
Connecticut. Negotiated the addition of the Smithsonian Institution as a UTC Client. After 3 years
of operations sold to USET Inc., a subsidiary of Macmillan Publishing, New York.
Consultant, Toronto, Ontario. [1986 –1984] Self-employed consultant in technology
commercialization and new venture financing. BIOS, Toronto. Three-person start-up —
biomedical subscription information service company (Canada/Northern US). Introduced health
care opportunities in small businesses, universities and hospitals to large health care corporations.
Capsule Technology International Limited, Windsor. Directed campaign winning the
prestigious ‘Canada Business Awards for Excellence – Entrepreneur for the Year – 1986.’ CTIL
was a highly successful manufacturer/supplier in the international pharmaceutical industry.
Obtained a $150,000 R&D grant for the firm.
Vice President, Development, Technology Development Corporation (TDC) Toronto, Ontario.
[1984 –1980] Venture capital firm. Responsibilities included assessing high-tech investment
opportunities, structuring legal agreements, preparing business plans, arranging appropriate
government financing, monitoring progress towards goals in the plans. Directed an in-depth
evaluation of a New York City based opportunity in cancer detection. Arranged for a two-stage
$15 M equity investment for the startup phase of the business. Guided MOLI Energy Limited
through the R&D phase into early commercialization. MOLI was a University of British
Columbia spinout company commercializing a rechargeable Lithium battery technology.
Responsibilities included hiring the President of Duracell Canada as the President of MOLI to
guide its growth; steering a $2.6 M grant application through federal channels that later became
a $10 M package including non-interest bearing loans.
Awards Officer, Natural Sciences & Engineering Research, Council, Ottawa, Ontario. [1980
–1973] Senior officer responsible for the administration of Canada’s largest peer adjudicated
R&D grants program ($ 96 M in 1980). Responsible for policy and program changes. Directed
a staff of 20. NSERC was responsible for the annual distribution of $125 M (1980) to support
the research of 5,500 scientists and engineers in Canadian Universities. NSERC is the counterpart
of the NSF in the US.
2012 Earned and Maintain Registered Technology Transfer Professional (RTTP) designation
2011 Earned and Maintain Certified Licensing Practitioner (CLP) designation
1973 M.A. Biochemistry, University of California at Berkeley
1970 Graduate School, University of Massachusetts
1969 B.Sc. Chemistry, 1st Class Honours, Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario.