Our Patents

A Soft Magnetic Material Based Micro/Nano-actuator for Robotic Applications
This invention presents a magnetic micro/nano-actuator for robotic applications. The micro/nano-actuator comprises a plurality of soft-magnetic blocks and flexible beams, ...

An efficient fine aggregate with enhanced pore structure produced from non-expansive clay to optimize internal curing capabilities.
Internal curing concrete provides a number of advantages in the concrete construction industry, the most popular internal curing materials are ...

Easy to dress therapeutic garment adapt to body size variations
This invention comprises of two front panels and one back panel that can be attached and detached at the side ...

Tearing, trimming, and cutting tool for excess rubber materials.
This is an excess rubber material tearing, trimming, and cutting tool that can be used for both manual and automated ...

Low-cost wireless sensor node which is capable of collecting synchronous acceleration time history with online data repository.
Advances in wireless sensor networks are well proven and commonly used in structural health monitoring. Structural health monitoring (SHM) using ...

Mobile, automated fruit and vegetable dehydrating and packaging system
This invention discloses a mobile Automated food dehydrating and packaging system. This system is mounted on a mobile container that ...

Wearable heart rate and respiration monitoring and fatigue detection system based on fabric electrodes and temperature sensors
An apparatus and method are disclosed for capturing multiple physiological parameters and indicating the sensation of fatigue during physical activities ...

An improved all four limbs based energy harvester
A human energy harvester is developed to convert to human mechanical energy into electrical energy using a DC generator-based system ...

A household therapeutic steam inhaling device with steady steam flow for sinus and face area steaming
An invention to successful steaming apparatus of face and sinus area and steam inhaling for flue or beauty cultural purposes ...

Development of internal curing aggregate using processed coal fly ash with improved properties
The present innovation reports the methods of developing an artificial internal curing aggregate using sintered fly ash with reservoir sediment ...

Non-Invasive Centralized Wireless Control System for a Group of Split Type Air Conditioners
An invention which is used to convert split air conditioner units in a confined area into a centrally controlling system ...
Drone Based Package Delivery System
This invention implements a user friendly, easily accessible drone-based package delivery system to deliver packages to a specified location. This ...

Adaptive Traffic Light Control System with Vision Based Traffic Flow Sensing Method
This invention relates to a system installed at an intersection that captures image feeds of vehicles, accelerates vehicle detection using ...

The present innovation reports the investigation of developing an internal curing aggregate using drinking water treatment sludge. The water treatment ...

Crop Dusting Drone with controlled spraying Based on the plant health
Crop dusting drone-controlled spraying based on plant health is designed to overcome the problems related to the health effects caused ...

A collar for an elephant and an apparatus for monitoring/managing the activity of an elephant are disclosed. The present invention ...

Real-time warning system for pedestrians, vehicles, residences, and commercial entities proximate to a railway track
The invention relates to the deployment of wireless communications systems to improvesafety along the railway. It is a system capable ...

Vision Based Real-Time Traffic Sensing Using AI on General Purpose Embedded Hardware
A vision and image processing technologies with artificial intelligence have been utilized to estimate traffic intensity in real-time. A deep ...

A hydrogel-based material for pressure-redistribution and a process of making articles thereof
The present invention relates a Hydrogel-based development of specialized engineering material and a methodology for construction of load-bearing Hydrogel articles ...
Patent | Priority Date | NIPO Ref No | |
1. A hydrogel-based material for pressure-redistribution and a process of making articles thereof | 12th June 2020 | 21160 | |
2. Vision-Based Real-Time Traffic Sensing Using AI on General Purpose Embedded Hardware | 12th June 2020 | 21162 | |
3. Real-time warning system for pedestrians, vehicles,residences, and commercial entities proximate to a railway track | 12th June 2020 | 21161 | |
4. GPS-IMU Collar System forLocation Detection and attitude tracking of Elephants | 14th August 2020 | 21307 | |
5. Crop Dusting Drone with controlled spraying based on the plant health | 14th August 2020 | 21306 | |
6. Development of internal curing fine aggregates with improved properties using drinking water treatment sludge | 14th August 2020 | 21309 | |
7. Adaptive Traffic Light Control System with Vision-Based Traffic Flow Sensing Method | 14th August 2020 | 21308 | |
8. Drone Based Package Delivery System | 12th January 2021 | 21553 | |
9. Non-Invasive Centralized Wireless Control System for a group of Split Type Air Conditioners | 12th January 2021 | 21554 | |
10. Development of Internal curing Aggregate using processed Coal Fly Ash with improved properties | 12th January 2021 | 21555 | |
11. A household steam inhaling device with steady steam flow for sinus and face area steaming | 12th February 2021 | 21522 | |
12. An improved all four limbs based Energy Harvester | 18th March 2021 | 21679 | |
13. Wearable heart rate and respiration monitoring and fatigue detection system based on fabric electrodes and temperature sensors | 18th March 2021 | 21681 | |
14. Mobile, automated fruit and vegetable dehydrating and packaging system | 18th March 2021 | 21680 | |
15. Low-cost wireless sensor node which is capable of collecting synchronous acceleration time history with an online data repository. | 27th July 2021 | 21878 | |
16. Stair-climbing assistive mobility platform | 5th June 2021 | 21772 | |
17. A transformable chassis with a Reconfigurable footprint | 5th June 2021 | 21773 | |
18. Removal of low quantity Graphite impurities from calcite using kerosene: a physio-chemical separation method | 17th November 2021 | 22033 | |
19. An approach, optimization strategies, and an accelerator process convolution neural networks on the FGPA platform | 14th October 2021 | 21987 | |
20. Alternating pressure overlay which can be used for the treatment of pressure ulcers | 29th April 2021 | 22270 | |
21. Soft Magnetic Material Based Microactuator for Microrobots | 31st December 2021 | 22101 | |
22. Adjustable adaptive outfit | 22nd April 2022 | 22269 | |
23. Development of an Intelligent Camera with a Real-Time Video Analytics System | 27th May 2022 | 22291 | |
24. The toolkit that facilitates the fashion designers and relevant stakeholders | 25th April 2022 | 22264 | |
25. Solid Tire Excess Material Cutting Tool | 14th November 2022 | 22463 | |
26. A fine aggregate produced from locally available non-expansive tank bed clays to use as an internal curing concrete aggregate | 12th October 2022 | 22425 | |
27. Material Classification by Identifying the Surface Texture Using Sensorless Sensing and Machine Learning Techniques. | 16th January 2024 | 22986 |