Within the university each academic department represents a specific domains of expertise. Sometimes this domain is too diverse and large and we need to go by a specific sub-domain.
Eg: Liquid rubber (latex) and dry rubber are two different sub-domains falling under rubber. To make matters more complicated the board field of rubber may fall under both Material Science and Engineering as well as Chemical and Process Engineering departments.
Who should be the point of connect when the industry is not aware which department to contact or when it is very much aware the problem requires a multi-disciplinary approach involving many departments? The Enterprise Connect is the way to clear this blurry picture as “The Enterprise” will take the role of coordination between the industry and the relevant academic departments.
Have a problem that needs solving? Let us know!
If you’d prefer to talk to us directly, feel free to reach out:
Email: enterprise@uom.lk
Phone: +94112640051 [Ext: 1886]
Office Location: University of Moratuwa
+94 112640051 Ext: 1886